Revolutionary Song Competition
We relive the glorious days and carry forward the national spirit. Based on the new era and the new journey, we inherit the red gene, and forge ahead in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Under the guidance of the General Party Branch of Anqing Foreign Language School, the Junior High School Division held the Revolutionary Song Contest on 30th May with the theme of ‘Sing Red Songs, and Be the New Generation of the Times’.
To be concrete, through this activity, teachers and students reviewed and sang the revolutionary songs, carried forward the revolutionary tradition, listened to the Party, felt the Party's kindness, and followed the Party. Meanwhile, with full enthusiasm, the students expressed their love for the Party and the motherland in loud and passionate songs, who offered their own blessings for the motherland and cheered for the prosperity and strength of the great motherland. Additionally, Lu Dan, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Vice Principal of Anqing Foreign Language School, spoke highly of the performances of each class in that the songs were of various forms and ingenuity, showcasing students' vigorous spirit and patriotic hearts.
To sum up, students of Anqing Foreign Language School will live up to the trust of the times, fly their youth dreams in their valiant endeavors, inspire the power of youth, remember the struggle history of the Party, shoulder the mission of the times, and strive to become the new generation worthy of national renewal.